
You might be wondering where my offers page is! After some trial and error, I've found it challenging to stay on top of the latest and greatest offers. Additionally, there are plenty of websites that pick up new deals much faster. Going forward, I'll still highlight offers occasionally (search for Offers for those posts or scroll down the home page), but I'll primarily feature notable ones in my quarterly "What's in my Pocket?" posts. In these posts, I'll provide a detailed breakdown of the offers I'm considering, my credit card lineup, and my current finance strategies. For those who want to stay up-to-date on offers more frequently, I recommend checking out the resources I rely on below 👇
Credit Card Offers
Frequent Miler's Best Credit Card Sign Up Offers
If you are looking for good credit card offers then I really recommend just bookmarking Frequent Miler's "best credit card sign up offers page".
It's a good baseline to see what's available and how they rank. In general, it usually has the latest best offers. However, sometimes they miss out on sneaky hidden offers which are difficult to come across. For these hidden offers, you really need community reporting to know about them. This is where reddit/facebook groups come in very helpful.
Doctor of Credit Community
Another option is Doctor of Credit, which does a great job gathering community data and highlighting instructions on how to attain offers (including elusive ones). See this example where they cover the 300k Point American Business Platinum offer which Frequent Miler didn't capture (NOTE: Both screenshots taken same day):
My Routine
If I am looking for a new credit card to churn, then I start with Frequent Miler (FM) to scan what card I might want to get. If you dive into the individual offer pages on FM, they will tell you what the last best offer was and when it was. This gives me a good starting point to compare the current opportunity. From there, I then visit Doctor of Credit to see if there's any hidden offers lurking and decide.